
親愛的 ( Dearest 2014):論好ending的重要性

陳可辛導演的作品以雅俗共賞著稱,他擅長把握通俗和不俗之間的平衡,尤其在題材的選擇上眼光絕佳,比起其他在北上之途或迷失(ex,張之亮、陳嘉上)或還摸在摸索(ex,爾冬陞)的香港導演,他更用心發掘貼近當地脈絡的題材。我一點也不認同陳可辛諂媚內地市場之說,試問哪一個導演不該討好觀眾?不該從社會關懷出發?「中國合夥人」 動人地描繪一代青年的American dream 和奮鬥,「親愛的」更深入探討兒童拐賣議題,光是這份雄心就值得佳評。






Game of Phones: A Song of Business and Social Network

This September commences a variety of new Smartphones. The iPhone 6 came out a week ago, with larger Sapphire crystal screens, faster A8 chip and a slimmer look. Similarly, Samsung, the Korean tech giant, rivaled Apple by releasing Galaxy Alpha and Note. No doubt soon many of these mobile devices will go to the hands of many readers, and join our campus and classrooms. However, besides the security crises of Cloud service that sparked recently, you also need to consider other important aspects about using a Smartphone.

Some may regard Smartphone as merely a convenient device for communication. But in retrospect, the Smartphones business and social apps, have casted revolutionary impacts to the human society. Last century, a talented Archaeologist V. Gordon Childe notified in his book “Man made himself” that human beings “progress” by changing economy patterns. The transformation of subsistence, such as from hunter-gathering to farming, is revolutionary to human history because it can influence the way people forming society. From this perspective, we may consider the use of Smartphone as a new revolution, which reshapes our ways of subsistence, social networking, and self-identity.     







Experiencing the Ullambana and some reflections on religion 盂蘭盆簡記

"TThere is no need for you to understand religion, there is only the need to believe in religion."

"Ullambana, rather than giving a Durkheinist collective effervescence, is based on human beings' most noble and honest feeling, that is, love to family members. Love that can cross time, space, and the line between life and death."





縱使天高地厚 (Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, 2000)




Occupy Legislative Yuan: Politics, Economics, and an Emergence of Civil Consciousness in Taiwan

      Last Wednesday afternoon, a small crowd of Taiwanese students protested in front of Sinclair Library to voice their supports to the "Sunflower Movement." The Sunflower Movement, similar to Occupy Wall Street, used occupation to protest against political and economic inequality.    


歌劇初體驗:Pagliacci & Carmina Burrana

     其實我已經抱了必無聊的決心出門的。人聲合唱是我聽廣播每次都必趴的選項,再說我對歌劇的印象就是絕代豔姬 (Farenelli, 1994) 裡聊勝於無的布景、無邏輯神話式劇情(劇情只是為了編歌詞方便吧)、和小時候看貓(這明明就是音樂劇)得來的都不知道在唱什麼的印象。我完全抱著賺經驗值的心態報名的(同場同想法的EWC鄰居不再少數啊,這年頭大家都只聽過音樂劇,住亞太平洋地區牛年馬月才有聽歌劇的機會啊)。

      As a matter of fact, I did not expect too much for opera. Chorus has been not an option for my radio. My impression to opera came from a movie, Fareneli and a musical, Cat, in which an opera's scenery design should be poor, no audience understood lines and lyrics, and the story is illogical because it served for music. I signed up this EWCPA tour, thinking to (maybe as most those never-gos) gaining experience. After all, it was a rare opportunity.  Then it turned out that.......it's great! What a  great invention, opera! 





紅色情深 (Red 1994): As if a ultimate force is looking at us

     我記得小時候的春暉電影台,一個奇葩無比的藝術片專門頻道。我記得曾幾何時聯祥國片台也播法國片,我看米娜的故事每次都可以哭。我記得奇士勞夫斯基曾掀起一陣炫風,茱莉葉畢諾許清麗絕俗的海報出沒在大街小巷。我記得電視上老是重播白色情迷(好奇怪的一部片)。我記得報紙上說紅色情深在那年的坎城全軍覆沒、敗給了初出茅廬的昆丁塔倫提若(和他的Pulp Fiction)。我記得一個週末華視十二點播雙面維若妮卡,我躺在沙發上邊看邊睡著了。
       In my childhood era,  there was one unusual television channel specialized in playing art films. I remember once even a Chinese film channel could play French movies, and Mina Tannebaum always made me cry.  I remember watching Kieslowski used to be a fashion in Taiwan. Juliette Binoche's beautiful face on Blue's poster was visible everywhere. I remember somehow White was often re-broacasted (it's a weird movie to me). I read from newspapers saying that Red failed in the year's Cannes Film Festival, to a rising star Quentin Tarantino (and his Pulp Fiction). I remember on one Saturday night I watched The Double Life of Veronique on my sofa and fell into sleep.    

        生命瞬息萬變,即使看似不動的風景,原來也會有一天再也不一樣。或是大師遠去,再也不復當年的鏡頭了,無比留戀紅色情深裡的各種細節,還有日內瓦市區街景,是最雋永最勾魂的那種紛圍。Zbigniew Preisner幽深的管弦配樂,仿若無構圖的生活化場景、伊蓮雅歌不世出的天使美貌、九零年代式的優雅而厚重的穿著(粗高鞋、毛呢、厚絲襪、墊肩大衣)、 石磚造建築的沈重歷史感。

       Life is changeable. Even a seemly constant view, one day you will realize that they are never the same. Or maybe the sceneries were gone with the master who created them? I am deeply fascinated by every detail in Red. This film presents me the most appealing atmosphere that only existed in the 90s. I mean the stone buildings and urban landscape of Vienna, Zbigniew Preisner's orchestral music, the simple and structure-less photography, the unsung angelic super beauty of Irene Jacob, and that out-of-date fashion styles, e.g., the low think heels, heavy sweater, and over-sized  coat with stupid shoulder-pads.    





Hitler's Generals in America: Nazi POWs and Allied Military Intelligence by Derek R. Mallett



10 ambitions to achieve before 30

1. Continue blog-writing 

Honolulu Museum of Art, Par II

at "Light From Shadow: Gold in Japanese Art "


The First Agrarian States: The Late Neolithic Multispecies Resettlement Camp

The First Agrarian States: The Late Neolithic Multispecies Resettlement Camp

By James Scott

( I never read directly his works, so it may not be a valid reflection.)

     As the flyer summary implied, this was a lecture about the significance of Neolithic Evolution, in which the speaker focused on the impact of using fire, plant and animal domestication, and the subsequent effects such as centralization and emergence of states.  The use of fire had transformed human subsistence in the first place (mmm, because I came into the lecture room from this part). It enabled early human beings to enlarge the range of food choices. Although I am not sure how it connects to the next part, together with plant domestication, e.g., rice and millet, the use of fire contributed to the centralization of human population and a sedentary life style in which this evolution could not be reversed and continued to develop toward "elaboration" and complexity.


For those suffering from procrastination

"It is a good day to die, we have nothing to lose."

Tango of a Murder and 動動觀察日記


Honolulu Museum of Art

A great example of fusion

Friends of Magics

Obviously I am in this 29-phobia and start reminiscent with the passing youth (中譯:悲春傷秋停不住,都是逢九必亂)。

"Liberated or Leftover? Single Women in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Tokyo"

就是剩女(aka, 敗犬、負け犬、港女、嫁不出去的老處女)啦







     "Hana and Alice" has a very classic opening for art film (i.e., weirdly, wondering girls and their laughs), numerous must-have photographic shots that against lights, Iwai Junji films' typical beautiful  boys and girls, and the impeccable music composing with piano and violin. My above technical descriptions may help you to catch the way this film looks like, but definitely not the light that touches your heart.

Let's have in-depth communications, and my little thoughts toward this chaotic era of social networking
