
Friends of Magics

Obviously I am in this 29-phobia and start reminiscent with the passing youth (中譯:悲春傷秋停不住,都是逢九必亂)。

For example, ten mins ago I  stared at these Japanese kids, who were waiting in the bus stop. They remind me of my childhood. Two girls and three boys. I can image they might have this conversation in the morning.
" 今日とうこに行くか"
"じゃ、一緒には?"Then they waited in the wrong direction. I told them the right bus stop to Waikiki. As they ran, I keep looking at them, as if making sure that they all get on the bus.

I  used to have many wonderful memories of going out with friends. We went traveling to places where seems so far and unfamiliar with. I remember within a week or two, such short time bound us together to became friends whom we will never forget. At the time we  believe we were the most special persons in the universe. The adulthood was inconceivable. I always felt that those encounters were like  falling in the magic world. 
- Leading a group of boys in the rain, wet through, searching for "California screaming" (過山車) in Disneyland (surprisingly, I could remember that was my birthday). 
 - Taking train for a movie and Eslite Bookstore in Taichung was the cooliest thing we did after a midterm (誠品書局,現在有多鄙視當初就有多崇拜。)
- getting a cup of Cappuccino wherever we went (為什麼連這樣都覺得自己好特別

I don't even know where and how they are at this moment. Even the one whom I am most closed with, I did not contact him for one or two years. But, somehow, we know that we will remember each other, mmm, yes, for good. 

Who are the friends who made you believe in magic? Leave a message, check their Facebook, or, just open your old album. 





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