
Let's have in-depth communications, and my little thoughts toward this chaotic era of social networking


I.  After talking to Chamil like two weeks ago, I think he really answered my long-termed puzzle toward social networking software like Facebook.

Here is my summary toward his comments on FACEBOOK

1. People want to be watched, want to be seen, and that's why they post everything on Facebook.
=> which I totally agree. I used facebook, and even I quit it for a long time, I can still feel the strong impulse to share my lives, e.g., the stupid small details of it, but what happens to our posts are.....

2. Sorry, you think you are making CONNECTIONS on Facebook, no, in contrast, you DIS-CONNECT from your friends
=>  through posting on wall, while you think all your friends see the post. Unfortunately,
1) most of them may not even really notice it (it might depend on program setting?)
2) even they did->do they really care???
3) even they click a "like", do you think they really like it????
4) even they comment on your post and have conversations with you => mmmm, sorry, it is very possible that they did not care about it as much as you want to show off.

II Depressed with above facts? I do agree there are several advantages for Facebook
1. I still remember that, at first, I treated it as a NAME CARD ALBUM 
 Do you understand how important it is to someone having facial-recognizing plus name-memorizing disorder complex (友善翻譯:臉孔辨識人名記憶多障礙綜合症候群)

2. there are some friends whom you really care and no-matter-what you want to keep them in contact.

3. adding Facebook is an easy, non-aggressive beginning of  friendship (or something else whatever you aim to start)

III So, enough complaints? yes.
However, nonetheless, nevertheless, honestly, frankly speaking, actually......I do want connections with other human beings, and because I am such as damn archaeology PhD, I want more than "like" on my wall. I want deeper, organized ways to communicate my thoughts, reflections, and .....in-depth opinions. Therefore, this is what I gonna do.
1. old-fashion, long, a lot of typing,writing-intensive

2.  while I used to be ( and is still) shy of my writing and locked my blog somewhere in the internet black-hole. I am gonna open it and share with my friends. This is the really me, a noisy, passionate literary Youth (台譯:文青,中譯:小資女、小清新重度上癮者).

3. All this are a statement

4. and btw, I have been making similar statements several times of writing my blog since in college

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