
歌劇初體驗:Pagliacci & Carmina Burrana

     其實我已經抱了必無聊的決心出門的。人聲合唱是我聽廣播每次都必趴的選項,再說我對歌劇的印象就是絕代豔姬 (Farenelli, 1994) 裡聊勝於無的布景、無邏輯神話式劇情(劇情只是為了編歌詞方便吧)、和小時候看貓(這明明就是音樂劇)得來的都不知道在唱什麼的印象。我完全抱著賺經驗值的心態報名的(同場同想法的EWC鄰居不再少數啊,這年頭大家都只聽過音樂劇,住亞太平洋地區牛年馬月才有聽歌劇的機會啊)。

      As a matter of fact, I did not expect too much for opera. Chorus has been not an option for my radio. My impression to opera came from a movie, Fareneli and a musical, Cat, in which an opera's scenery design should be poor, no audience understood lines and lyrics, and the story is illogical because it served for music. I signed up this EWCPA tour, thinking to (maybe as most those never-gos) gaining experience. After all, it was a rare opportunity.  Then it turned out that.......it's great! What a  great invention, opera! 





紅色情深 (Red 1994): As if a ultimate force is looking at us

     我記得小時候的春暉電影台,一個奇葩無比的藝術片專門頻道。我記得曾幾何時聯祥國片台也播法國片,我看米娜的故事每次都可以哭。我記得奇士勞夫斯基曾掀起一陣炫風,茱莉葉畢諾許清麗絕俗的海報出沒在大街小巷。我記得電視上老是重播白色情迷(好奇怪的一部片)。我記得報紙上說紅色情深在那年的坎城全軍覆沒、敗給了初出茅廬的昆丁塔倫提若(和他的Pulp Fiction)。我記得一個週末華視十二點播雙面維若妮卡,我躺在沙發上邊看邊睡著了。
       In my childhood era,  there was one unusual television channel specialized in playing art films. I remember once even a Chinese film channel could play French movies, and Mina Tannebaum always made me cry.  I remember watching Kieslowski used to be a fashion in Taiwan. Juliette Binoche's beautiful face on Blue's poster was visible everywhere. I remember somehow White was often re-broacasted (it's a weird movie to me). I read from newspapers saying that Red failed in the year's Cannes Film Festival, to a rising star Quentin Tarantino (and his Pulp Fiction). I remember on one Saturday night I watched The Double Life of Veronique on my sofa and fell into sleep.    

        生命瞬息萬變,即使看似不動的風景,原來也會有一天再也不一樣。或是大師遠去,再也不復當年的鏡頭了,無比留戀紅色情深裡的各種細節,還有日內瓦市區街景,是最雋永最勾魂的那種紛圍。Zbigniew Preisner幽深的管弦配樂,仿若無構圖的生活化場景、伊蓮雅歌不世出的天使美貌、九零年代式的優雅而厚重的穿著(粗高鞋、毛呢、厚絲襪、墊肩大衣)、 石磚造建築的沈重歷史感。

       Life is changeable. Even a seemly constant view, one day you will realize that they are never the same. Or maybe the sceneries were gone with the master who created them? I am deeply fascinated by every detail in Red. This film presents me the most appealing atmosphere that only existed in the 90s. I mean the stone buildings and urban landscape of Vienna, Zbigniew Preisner's orchestral music, the simple and structure-less photography, the unsung angelic super beauty of Irene Jacob, and that out-of-date fashion styles, e.g., the low think heels, heavy sweater, and over-sized  coat with stupid shoulder-pads.    





Hitler's Generals in America: Nazi POWs and Allied Military Intelligence by Derek R. Mallett



10 ambitions to achieve before 30

1. Continue blog-writing 

Honolulu Museum of Art, Par II

at "Light From Shadow: Gold in Japanese Art "